Saturday, 31. January 2009
Here's a TEMPORARY version of the new Tech Wars Tournament! Expect the true thingy soon.

Download: twt200.w3x (w3x, 642 KB)

Some of the New Changes:
- New Army Man Tower-Spell
- More Upgrades (Go find 'em yourself!)
- New Multiboard
- New No-Movement Triggers
- New Leaver System
- Fixed Tower: Card spells (They aren't as imba anymore)
- Slightly weaker Marines
- Card: Malfunction
- Card: Tree of Life
- Arcane Discharge
- Version: 2.0.0 Testing Version


BIG THX to 'drunkenevil', he has made 2.0.0 possible.
Sunday, 7. December 2008
Sorry for the last few bugged versions. You will soon receive a totally new version with bug fixed and lots of improvements! It will pwn even more than DotA, for sure!

For now, you should stick to older, but hopefully stabler versions.
Wednesday, 16. July 2008
Hi, this will be the last update for a long time!!
Everything should be polished by now! HF!

New Download: tech wars tournament 1.1.4c.w3x (w3x, 628 KB)