Saturday, 21. February 2009
Download: twt210.w3x (w3x, 650 KB)

- Text should now always be visible
- Upgrade Sys now totally fixed + less laag
- Monk Shield now gives +75% Life Regeneration + 5% more damage than before
- Your Worker should now be revived if you or your mate won a game but one of you died
- Tiny has more Armor Rating/Damage/Attack Speed
- Summoned units like Wisps/Skeletons won't run back anymore
- Less Laag because of less Dummy Units
- Pirate's Bay renamed to Booty Bay

-Undead Worker has a spell named 'Undead Ritual' which is similiar to 'Tower: Renew' with 260s cooldown)
- No-Jokers Mode as new Game Mode

- Disable + Disable -> Card: Pandora's Box (Casts disable every few secs, but has a long cooldown)

Next Version:

- Push Darkness Ghoul -> Rewrite (DONE)
- Push Card: Assassination (Fan of Knives on Death) (DONE)
- Nerf Blazing Sylvanas (DONE)
- Nerf Master of the Army (DONE)
- Nerf Arcane Knight (DONE)
- Fix more Laags (STILL WORKING ON THIS :/)

- No more random spells (as it is now, spells occur randomly like Fork Lightning of Nagas) All units will receive an ability with a cooldown/mana cost.

- Shockwave + Shockwave -> Flamewave -> 3 Flamestrikes in a row
- Adult Chimerae -> [Legendary] Windfury -> Ice Breath with mass purge (-10% Attackspeed)
Monday, 9. February 2009

Next Version will include this stuff:

- Text Invisible Sometimes -> Fix (e.G. Godlike/Final Match MSG) (Can't find the bug -.-' :D)
- Upgrade Sys Buggy -> Fix (DONE)
- Monk should be able to Heal (Monk Shield now gives +75% Life Regeneration)
- Respawn Worker (Doesn't Respawn sometimes) -> Fix
- Tiny stronger compared to Pandus (DONE(?))
- Spawned Units sometimes walk back -> Fix (DONE)
- Dummy Casters cause laags -> Fix (DONE)
- Pirate's Bay -> Booty Bay (Minor Change) (DONE)
- Probably a new Website somewhen
- New Logo (I fail@photoshop -.-)

- Healing Opportunity for Undead Race (DONE -> Undead Worker has a spell named 'Undead Ritual' which is similiar to 'Tower: Renew' with 260s cooldown)
- No-Jokers Mode (DONE)

Planned for a later version:
- Disable + Disable -> Card: Pandora's Box (Casts disable every few secs) (DONE)
- Shockwave + Shockwave -> Flamewave -> 3 Flamestrikes in a row

- Leader of the Army -> Upgrade: Last Command -> Random Invulnerable for 5s (Not Sure)
- Upgrade for Chaos Mage (With Demon Mark) -> Magical Rejection (Magic Immunity)

- Prayer of Zeus -> Zeus' Shield -> Release Lightning on Death (2s Stun)
- Disciple of zeus -> Invul for 7s (Not Sure)

- Adult Chimerae -> [Legendary] Thundus -> Flamebreath with mass purge (-10% Attackspeed)
- Blademaster Upgrade -> Steelblade (TWT Ordner, Masamune) -> Able to Spin once every few S (Bloodspin like)

Thanks for supporting Tech Wars Tournament!
So long.. enjoy this video
Saturday, 7. February 2009

- Medical Expert / Monk now have Magic Immunity
- General -> Master of the Army Upgrade
- Blood Assassine -> Sharpened Claws Upgrade
- New Unit: Grimreaper
- Card: Assassinate improved
- Card: Chaos Shop -> Penalty removed
- Replace Panda Sea -> Pirates' Bay -> Spawns 'Pirate' (Water Splash+Drunken Haze-> Miss) -> Upgrade -> Incinerate Beer
- Night Stalker -> Upgrade: Hunter of the Night -> Releases 3 Gargoyles on death

Download: twt200c.w3x (w3x, 647 KB)

This Version focuses mainly on new, powerful upgrades such as 'Sharpened Claws'. In addition the New Unit 'Grimreaper' can be VERY powerful as support.

ToDo for 2.0.0D:
- Lag Fixes

- Disable + Disable -> Card: Blockade (Box, casts disable every few secs)
- Shockwave + Shockwave -> Flamewave -> 3 Flamestrikes in a row

- Leader of the Army -> Upgrade: Last Command -> Random Invulnerable for 5s (Not Sure)
- Upgrade for Chaos Mage (With Demon Mark) -> Magical Rejection (Magic Immunity)

- Prayer of Zeus -> Zeus' Shield -> Release Lightning on Death (2s Stun)
- Disciple of zeus -> Invul for 7s (Not Sure)

- Adult Chimerae -> [Legendary] Thundus -> Flamebreath with mass purge (-10% Attackspeed)
- Blademaster Upgrade -> Steelblade (TWT Ordner, Masamune) -> Able to Spin once every few S (Bloodspin like)