
- Medical Expert / Monk now have Magic Immunity
- General -> Master of the Army Upgrade
- Blood Assassine -> Sharpened Claws Upgrade
- New Unit: Grimreaper
- Card: Assassinate improved
- Card: Chaos Shop -> Penalty removed
- Replace Panda Sea -> Pirates' Bay -> Spawns 'Pirate' (Water Splash+Drunken Haze-> Miss) -> Upgrade -> Incinerate Beer
- Night Stalker -> Upgrade: Hunter of the Night -> Releases 3 Gargoyles on death

Download: twt200c.w3x (w3x, 647 KB)

This Version focuses mainly on new, powerful upgrades such as 'Sharpened Claws'. In addition the New Unit 'Grimreaper' can be VERY powerful as support.

ToDo for 2.0.0D:
- Lag Fixes

- Disable + Disable -> Card: Blockade (Box, casts disable every few secs)
- Shockwave + Shockwave -> Flamewave -> 3 Flamestrikes in a row

- Leader of the Army -> Upgrade: Last Command -> Random Invulnerable for 5s (Not Sure)
- Upgrade for Chaos Mage (With Demon Mark) -> Magical Rejection (Magic Immunity)

- Prayer of Zeus -> Zeus' Shield -> Release Lightning on Death (2s Stun)
- Disciple of zeus -> Invul for 7s (Not Sure)

- Adult Chimerae -> [Legendary] Thundus -> Flamebreath with mass purge (-10% Attackspeed)
- Blademaster Upgrade -> Steelblade (TWT Ordner, Masamune) -> Able to Spin once every few S (Bloodspin like)
Der Beitrag wurde am Saturday, 7. February 2009, 04:10 veröffentlicht und wurde unter dem Topic abgelegt. Sie können einen Comment hinterlassen.
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