
Next Version will include this stuff:

- Text Invisible Sometimes -> Fix (e.G. Godlike/Final Match MSG) (Can't find the bug -.-' :D)
- Upgrade Sys Buggy -> Fix (DONE)
- Monk should be able to Heal (Monk Shield now gives +75% Life Regeneration)
- Respawn Worker (Doesn't Respawn sometimes) -> Fix
- Tiny stronger compared to Pandus (DONE(?))
- Spawned Units sometimes walk back -> Fix (DONE)
- Dummy Casters cause laags -> Fix (DONE)
- Pirate's Bay -> Booty Bay (Minor Change) (DONE)
- Probably a new Website somewhen
- New Logo (I fail@photoshop -.-)

- Healing Opportunity for Undead Race (DONE -> Undead Worker has a spell named 'Undead Ritual' which is similiar to 'Tower: Renew' with 260s cooldown)
- No-Jokers Mode (DONE)

Planned for a later version:
- Disable + Disable -> Card: Pandora's Box (Casts disable every few secs) (DONE)
- Shockwave + Shockwave -> Flamewave -> 3 Flamestrikes in a row

- Leader of the Army -> Upgrade: Last Command -> Random Invulnerable for 5s (Not Sure)
- Upgrade for Chaos Mage (With Demon Mark) -> Magical Rejection (Magic Immunity)

- Prayer of Zeus -> Zeus' Shield -> Release Lightning on Death (2s Stun)
- Disciple of zeus -> Invul for 7s (Not Sure)

- Adult Chimerae -> [Legendary] Thundus -> Flamebreath with mass purge (-10% Attackspeed)
- Blademaster Upgrade -> Steelblade (TWT Ordner, Masamune) -> Able to Spin once every few S (Bloodspin like)

Thanks for supporting Tech Wars Tournament!
So long.. enjoy this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EvUHFddxac&feature=related
Der Beitrag wurde am Monday, 9. February 2009, 11:43 veröffentlicht und wurde unter dem Topic abgelegt. Sie können einen Comment hinterlassen.
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